- General description
- What can you visit nearby? / Itinerary
- The price includes
- The price does not include
- Gallery
Hotel Sonnenhof, an oasis of hospitality in the beautiful Bucovina area of Romania, was created for all those who appreciate and want a stylish ambiance and outstanding service. Hotel Sonnenhof is located at 16.9 km from Suceava International Airport
Hotel Sonnenhof offers air-conditioned rooms and free WiFi throughout the property. A summer garden and a restaurant are located on site.
Rooms are incredibly comfortable, decorated with natural motifs combined with a modern design. A total of 58 keys open the doors of Standard, Premium and Deluxe rooms and suites, all set with elegant amenities, waiting to indulge you with unparalleled spaciousness and cozy, relaxing travel experiences.
- Voroneț Monastery
- Humor Monastery
- Putna Monastery
- Sucevița Monastery
- The Museum of the Bucovina Village
- Citadel of Suceava
- 1 night accommodation, place in double room
- Breakfast
- Local taxes
- Free parking
- Lunch or dinner
- Optional trips
- Transport
- Cancellation insurance
- Any other service that it is not mentioned on price includes